•....developing the Waste Tracking System (WTS) for ensuring the forward and backward traceability for radioactive waste management life cycle. (KETEP PN: 20171510300710)
This electronic system is closely related with support capability for Waste Certification Program (WCP) with the involvement of Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC) as appropriate.
•Relevant topics as below which was registered as ISO/PWI 24389-1(Part-1) are now being under development by ISO TC85 SC5 WG5. It is expected and agreed that those 3 topics are going to be in standardization track.

•(radioactive) Waste Management
Developing the waste (Low and intermediate level of radioactivity) management life cycle to support Waste Certification by WTS (Waste Certification Program), and testing the characteristics of solidified waste object by relevant international standards to support transparency and safety of radioactive waste management...
Also involved in setup the requirements and the design of waste minimization and reduction facility such as Pyrolysis...
•Characteristics testing of solidified radioactive waste
To evaluate the characteristics of solidified radioactive waste, MIRAE-EN has been involved in the management of low and intermediate level of radioactive waste by conducting the tests based on the followings;
Also involved in Waste Certification Program (WCP) and Q.A. system development and evaluation for safe and transparent management and delivery of radioactive waste disposal.
•In New Delhi 2016, ISO TC85 SC5 WG5, presenting the pre-NWIP material with a topic of “The process requirements for low and intermediate level of radioactive waste management life cycle” for standardization.